Mental Health Heroes & Heroines

The following people have selflessly donated directly to my charity of choice, the Black Dog Institute, via my Walking with Strangers fundraising page. In doing so, they’ve not only expressed to me their support for my Camino journey but, more importantly provided much needed funding for Mental Health research, education and support. They’re the real heroes and heroines and I’m eternally appreciative.

Champions for the Cause

Laras & NatashaThank-you ladies. You didn’t hesitate to donate to this important cause. You both Rock!!
Akshay DavidOh Wow! Thank-you so much Akshay. Your support means a lot and I’m sure anything we raise will help save lives.
Andrew HerridgeThanks for your support Boss. If you want to catch all my awesome updates while I walk the Camino, don’t forget to Subscribe to the Blog (under the Search field on most pages).
Anthea EckermannAnother generous donation to the Black Dog Institute from someone who didn’t hesitate to show their support for Mental Health issues. Thanks Anthea.
Angelique RauchenbachThank-you so much for your support and more than generous donation to the Black Dog Institute, Angelique. And thanks also for coming along for the ride – it’s gonna be awesome.
Jo JohnstoneThanks for your support Jo. I’m sure I’m bound to discover something about myself when unknown thresholds are breached. Lol. Your donation will save lives so thanks again for your generosity.
Margaret KavanaghExtremely grateful for your support and generous donation to the Black Dog Institute, Margaret. Mental Health affects us all in some way shape or form so any funds raised will be a great achievement and could be the life saving difference for some.
Elaine & Kent HarlandThank-you both for your important donation. I’m heartened that it will help those currently struggling with Mental Health problems. I’m equally thrilled by your support of my revisit to Spain and know you’ll be travelling every inch of it with me (virtually).
Michaela KavanaghThanks for your hefty donation Michaela. You and I both know the stress and struggles our jobs place on us each day, and add to that, life in general… We’re certainly not immune to Mental Health problems and see it everyday, as I’m sure everyone does. Your donation and support is much appreciated.
Rebecca McdermottThanks for your kind words of support and generous donation to the Black Dog Institute Rebecca. Already we’re making a difference by bringing attention to current day Mental Health problems.
Zac DelaneyAnother generous donation from a fellow workmate. Thanks Zac for supporting the Black Dog Institute and the awesome work they do in the field of Mental Health. And you also earnt the “We just hit $1000” badge. Level up mate.
Lynne & TrevThanks so much for your support and donation Lynne and Trev. It means a lot to know there’s a horde of supporters that will be willing me to the end on those “tough” days. Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog to catch all the action as it happens.
AnonymousA massive thank-you to whomever you are. We may know each other but it’s more likely we don’t. But that doesn’t matter, ’cause we obviously share the same desire for a mentally healthy future. Together we’re giving it a red hot go.
AnonymousCash donation from an unknown young man I was chatting to at the base barber. Thanks mate, your generous donation will help make a difference for those suffering from mental health problems.
AMTIF RICWeekly civvies day gold coin donations for a charity. Thanks for joining the Walking with Strangers fundraising efforts and donating to the Black Dog Institute to strive for a mentally healthier future.
Nick McGrathWow Nick!! Thank-you so much for your support and generous donation. It certainly is a worthy cause and mental health can affect us all in varying degrees. Hopefully we can help reduce the stigma and increase the support, education and research.
Mark HuthThanks for your support Mark and Co. I’m looking forward to the adventure and I know Julie is probably still trying to twist your arm to go for the long stroll too. Happy to answer any questions you might have in that regard. Keep mentally healthy and Rock On!!
37SQN Social ClubAn awesome BBQ Breakfast event was hi-jacked by Walking with Strangers this week and a massive thanks goes out to all the awesome people who individually donated to this great cause. Not to mention the 37SQN Social Club who generously donated their usual club profits. A special shout out to the Technical Training Flight for running with the idea, seeking the necessary permissions, cooking everyone’s burgers, continuing to promote Mental Health awareness, and generally just being awesome. Thanks team.
AnonymousThank you so much whomever you are for your donation to the Black Dog Institute. Your support means a lot to me and your generosity is helping those suffering the effects of mental health problems.
Dolph PageHey thanks for your donation Dolph. Having conquered the Camino yourself you know better than anyone the personal challenge that awaits me. I appreciate your support and the inspiration you gave me. As you mentioned, hopefully the awareness and funds we raise for Black Dog Insitute can help others with their own personal challenges.
Sarah RogersHey Sarah, thanks for your support and donation. I don’t think we’ve met but we obviously share the same goal for a mentally healthy future for all. Thanks for caring about this worthy cause.
ETThanks for your donation E T. I’ve known you pretty much my entire career and I’m grateful to have your support. Mental health is something we all need to take the time out to uphold.
Anthony WilliamHey Scar, I put the call out there and you jumped right onto it without hesitation. Thanks for your support mate, not to mention your donation to the Black Dog Insitute. I hope you can get on the MHFA course and promote that knowledge at your new workplace as you’ve planned.
Sophee Gaille SouthallThanks so much for your donation to the Black Dog Insitute Sophee. And I really appreciate your support. We also haven’t met but I’m glad to have you onboard as one of my Mental Health Heroines.
Steph SAh Steph. I’m stoked to have your support on this endeavour, and thank you so much for your generous donation for such an important cause. I know we were striving to make positive changes in the mental health space in our last workplace and I hope that work is ongoing. The world has changed and now more than ever we need to look after what’s inside as much as what’s outside. Hope to catch up again someday. BTW you got me to $2K. Yay!!
GJHey, a big thank you to you GJ. It was certainly worth the wait. I know you appreciate the importance of looking after mind, body and soul so I’m really glad you’ve chosen to jump onboard the mental health train. Your generosity will be directly helping to educate, and provide support and research in the mental health space. All aboard.. Choo Choo!!
Jarrod FThanks so much for your generous donation and kind words Boss. BTW I read The Pilgrimage.. things got a little weird when he looked lovingly into the eyes of the lamb Ha ha. I’ve almost known you for my entire career too, and I know you’re a huge advocate for mental health awareness. With Black Dog Institute’s help, I’m sure we’re headed in the right direction.
Judy McKaneHey Judy, thanks so much for your selfless donation to the Black Dog Institute. As a pilgrim who’s walked the Camino yourself, you especially know what I’m in for and I appreciate your support. Thanks also for subscribing to my blog – I hope you enjoy reliving the journey.
Bec GreenThanks for your support and generous donation to the Black Dog Institute Bec. 45% of Australians will experience mental illness in their lifetime. Your support matters and will help give those suffering with mental health problems a better quality of life.
Elaine HarlandOh my, what have I done? Ha ha. Thanks for your donation Mum – now I guess I’d better hold up my end of the deal and get recording a $20 KAVaoke track for my Youtube channel (and for mental health). Thanks for giving me the choice… I think I’ll go to my safe place and kick it off with “It’s My Life” – Bon Jovi.
EmmaAnother $20 KAVaoke request. Now I really better get cracking. Thanks for your donation Emma. “I’m on My Way” – The Proclaimers. I’ll give it my best shot – it’s for charity after all. I hope you enjoy!!
StarrHey Starr, great to have you along for the Walking with Strangers ride. Thank-you so much for your awesome donation to the Black Dog Institute and your kind words. I think Jon Bon is safe in his job but I gave it a crack. Ha ha. What’s your fave Jovi song? Rock On!!
AnonymousA massive thank-you to a mystery supporter whomever you are. Not long back I wondered if I’d even get to $2000 but now we’ve just hit the halfway mark of $2500 and it’s generosity such as yours that has helped me get there quicker. I thank you, Black Dog Institute thanks you many sufferers of mental health problems have a brighter future because of you.
Marilyn BloxsomHi Marilyn, thank-you so much for your donation to a worthy cause such as Mental Health. Your contribution is helping to create a mentally healthier world and through the Black Dog Institute supports vital education programs for health professionals, communities and schools.
Simon HornsbyA much appreciatiated donation to get our total raised so far over the halfway mark, thank-you Simon. Thanks also for your encouragement and support for my little stroll across Spain. I don’t expect it to be easy but I do expect it will be memorable.
Angelique RauschenbachNo you didn’t… This is ’cause I wouldn’t let you be banker when we played Monopoly as kids isn’t it? Ha ha. But seriously though, thank-you for your second donation to the Black Dog Institute. You are officially my 2nd #doubledonator and, although I’m not actually that familiar with this song, a deal’s a deal and once I learn it I’ll give “Lullaby” – Nickelback a crack.
Wallace FamilyWhat would the party be without my dear friends, the Wallace Family? Although not blood, they’ve treated me as such for the last 23 years and I’ve been fortunate enough to see their children grow into awesome young adults too. Like a lot of people over the last couple of years, you haven’t been immune to some tough times and this mental health journey is as much for you as anyone, myself included. Thank-you all so much for your very generous donation to the Black Dog Institute and for once again showing your support of my endeavours. I’ll be thinking of you all as I hike across Spain and look forward to sharing the adventure with you all. Much Love.
Jeff BloxsomHey Jeff, welcome to the party and thank you so much for your donation to the Black Dog Institute. I notice you’ve requested the song “Californication” – Red Hot Chili Peppers so I’ll be sure to get right on it. Thanks again for your support.
Corinne In TexasThank you so much for your support and donation Corinne. You are officially my first overseas donor and, although you’ve donated to an Australian-based organisation the Black Dog Institute, mental health knows no boundaries and can affect everyone. Besides, an Aussie discovered Penicillin which has saved an estimated 200 million lives so… we got this.
David CaseyMr. Casey and family, a massive thank-you not only for your generous donation but for your support and friendship over the many years we’ve known each other now. Your inspiring Ultra-Marathon achievements have driven me to conquer my own seemingly unattainable goals. And if anyone knows about the dedication and mental strength required to push through pain and suffering, I reckon it’s the Ultra-Marathon runner. Much Love.
Christian James KrahenbuhlHi Christian and thank you for your self-less donation to an Aussie chartity but for a global problem. Firstly, you get the Silver medal for being my second overseas donor, so thanks for your support. Forgive my horrible memory but I’m not sure if we met during one of our many visits to Austin, TX or if we just know the same beautiful people. Either way, this cause obviously means something to us both and I believe together we can make a difference.
Dianne JohnstoneThanks so much for your words of encouragement and generous donation to the Black Dog Institute Dianne. Current statistics state that 45% of Australians will experience mental illness in their lifetime, and with your support we are helping to do something about that.
Darrin RobinsonHey Darrin, thanks for your donation mate. It’s great to have you taking an interest in my Camino endeavours and contributing to this very worthy cause. As we’ve all heard many times now, mental health can affect us all, across all walks of life, all genders, all ages (perhaps not infants but I don’t know for sure), and both “in our day” and as we look to tomorrow. The Black Dog Institute and myself really appreciate your support.
Leo VanDiemenAnother fantastic donation to the Black Dog Institute, this time from Mr. Vandiemen. Thanks Leo. It seems I have to work really hard for this one ’cause I have to earn it 1km, and 10c, at a time. Plus, you’ve made a KAVaoke request in the form of “Soul to Squeeze” – Red Hot Chili Peppers. This one shouldn’t be too hard to lay down once I get my tongue around that post solo jibberish. Thanks for that. Ha ha. Hope you enjoy regardless and thanks for pushing me over the $3K milestone.
QuekYeah, but you told me like 800 times so I allocated 1km to each of your outbursts. In all seriousness, thanks for your support Quekky and thanks especially for your generous donation to the Black Dog Institute. I’ll be starting my journey to the airport in about 3 hrs and then it’s on for young and old. Ha ha Don’t forget to tell all your mates how fun it is to donate so I can reach my goal of $5000 for this great cause.
Anthony PaceWelcome to the Camino Club Anthony. I’m happy to have you on board for the journey. And a huge thanks of course for your donation to the Black Dog Institute. I hope to regale you with my photos and vid as we go.
Rye KHey Rye, thanks for your support towards this important issue. Great to have you onboard and your generous donation with help those suffering these problems on a daily basis. I’m currently over halfway walking to Santiago now. I hope you’re following along. xxx
Josh MarrsHi Josh, it’s been awhile. I hope you’re keeping well. Thanks for your awesome donation to what is a worldwide issue. Together we can make a positive change to those suffering the affects of the many mental health problems prevalent today. Take care brother.
Joanne DaleOh Wow, thank-you so much for your extremely generous donation Joanne. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our chats about mental health, walking the Camino, and life in general. As you mentioned, “Strangers are only strangers until you speak to them” and it’s what I encourage all those doing it tough to do… Reach out and talk to someone – anyone. All the best for the future. Buen Camino!
Aleece CostaWell there’s a blast from the past!! Thanks for your generous donation Aleece and thanks also for your support towards all these MH problems too. I hope you’re happy and healthy and look forward to chatting again someday soon.
Andrew HerridgeThanks for the kind words. They mean a lot coming from both a great leader and an avid hiker. And an additional thanks for your generous 2nd donation to the Black Dog Institute. Although my Camino hiking is nearly over, I still haven’t reached my $5000 charity goal but you just pushed it bit closer to achieving that. Muchas Gracias Senor.
PascaleThanks for your generous donation and support Pascale. Every dollar raised will go directly to the Black Dog Institute and will provide support to those suffering, education for us all, and research to create a mentally healthier future for everyone.
V StottAhh “V”. Thanks for the support, love, and donation to help those suffering mental health problems. I’m certainly not an expert on any of the topics discussed but hopefully if we can start the conversation surrounding all today’s MH issues we can reduce the stigma and make life that little more worthwhile for those affected.
<Your name here>
My Heroes & Heroines