Recently I watched the ABC Series, Space 22, hosted by Australian actress/singer/songwriter Natalie Bassingthwaighte of Rogue Traders fame. The series, as stated on the ABC website, “follows seven strangers, each with their own lived experience of mental ill health, as they take part in an ambitious experiment to test if the simple act of participating in art can help heal invisible wounds“.
I didn’t really know what to expect when I started watching this short 6-episode docuseries but I knew it was about mental health problems and featured a study by Black Dog Institute to help us understand more about the relationship between creativity and wellbeing.
Well I wasn’t to be disappointed, and at times I found myself getting a little teary as I listened to these seven brave participants stories and subsequent struggles with mental health problems.
If you haven’t seen it yet then I don’t want to spoil it for you, but let’s just say all members responded postitively to their participation in the arts (some more than others). Certainly this application of Arts on Prescription seems to show some promise improving the quality of living for those suffering from mental health problems.
So do yourself a favour and check it out on ABC iView.
Also, be sure to check out the Black Dog Insitute’s ongoing research in this field.
And if you haven’t already become one of my Mental Health Heroes or Heroines, why not help me reach my goal of raising $5000 for the Black Dog Insitute to continue their awesome support, education and research programs and consequently help save lives.
#mentalhealth #space22 #blackdoginstitute #donate #mentalhealthresearch #mentallyhealthierfuture