Right, this NOT walking on asphalt anymore thing is going well. Ha ha.
You know the track. You know the pack. You know the drill. There’s nothing to see here except another 8kms added to my Pre-Camino km count.
Only difference today was I didn’t carry any water because a couple of my water bottles (possibly the ones I had previously used for electrolytes) started showing signs of black mould on the inside. I guess it would’ve been a great opportunity to test my water purification tablets but… nahhh, I tried throwing them in the dishwasher last night instead. The mould didn’t want to shift so it was into the bin for them. I’ll have to re-think my water carriage system.
With only four weeks to go before I head off and only 19kms to go before I hit the 500km training milestone, I think I’ll just take it easy with more of these 8km strolls and perhaps one or two more “real” hikes.
Getting exciting now!! I hope you’ve all got your virtual bags packed and are ready to come on the journey with me.
Distance walked today: 8km
Weight of Pack and Contents: 9.6kg
Surface: Asphalt
Weather: Dry
Total Distance Walked for Training thus far: 481km