Okay, so for those that are still taking somewhat of an interest in these posts you would know that I recently bought a couple of the higher performance GoPro Enduro batteries which brought my total GoPro battery count to four.
Hopefully this should be more than enough battery power to keep my TimeWarp footage flowing for what could potentially be upwards of 222hrs of video (plus possibly another 60hrs if I have time to walk the extra 100kms or so to the Atlantic Ocean).
With that though, I started thinking about how I can store and protect those batteries compactly and, how I can efficiently charge those puppies without swapping them out one at a time.
And that’s where I’m hoping this little gadget will excel. It’s not only a great space-saving shape for storing the three batteries that aren’t in my camera at the time, but it will allow me to charge three batteries at once. Tick and Tick.
Product Name: MAXCAM Power Triple Battery Charger for GoPro HERO10/HERO9 Black
Supplier: Amazon
Cost (AUD): $25.99
Weight: 54g
Carried: In Pack
Total Pack Weight to Date: 5.659kg
Total On Person Weight to Date: 2.392kg
Total Cost to Date (AUD): $3352.48