Jul/Aug Update

Another month has past since my last update and I’m extremely happy to report that we’re almost halfway to my fundraising goal of $5000. Once again I’ve received a few more donations to the Black Dog Institute from some awesome people.

And deservingly so, I’d like to give a shout out to those generous supporters. As usual you can see them all on my Heroes & Heroines page but for those anti-clickers… I’d like to formally thank Dolph Page, Sarah Rogers, ET, Anthony William, Sophee Southall, Steph Sexton, GJ, Jarrod F, and a generous Anonymous supporter. Together we’ve raised $2227 for the Black Dog Institute and the research, education and support they provide to those struggling with mental health problems.

My goal is $5000 and I don’t feel that’s unrealistic to achieve. Just like all 800km of the Camino-Frances, it will be achieved one step at a time. Likewise, every $5 donated will get us to that goal of $5000. So let’s keep it going.

Some other notable achievements made since my last update:

  • Walked a further 57km (total 465km) with my pack in training
  • Distributed flyers at another Base
  • Created an additional Walking with Strangers Social (Youtube)
  • Completed The Bloody Long Walk (35km) / Recorded and posted the walk on Youtube
  • Completed Canoelands Ridge Trail (22km) / Recorded and posted the walk on Youtube
  • Posted four more blog entries (total 77)
  • Delivered a Mental Awareness brief to my Squadron
  • Purchased train/bus tickets from Paris to Saint Jean Pied de Port
  • Booked and paid for first nights accommodation in Saint Jean Pied de Port

Some things in the pipeline or at least on the wishlist:

  • A promo video package at the Base Cinema to display during the movie pre-show each week
  • Continue to train on non-asphalt hiking trails when weather allows
  • Finalise some weight decisions to ensure my pack is as light as it can be
  • KAVaoke for Charity… Would you donate $20 to the Black Dog Institute to have me sing the song of your choice?
    • If so, donate $20 at the portal linked above, name your song in the donation message, and I’ll record my KAVaoke version and post it on the Walking with Strangers Youtube Channel
    • Note #1: I’ll have a crack at anything you want but you’ll get best results choosing a 70-90’s Rock track
    • Note #2: If I don’t have the karaoke song or it’s like 10min long or something, I’ll negotiate another with ya.
  • Base gate collections
  • Possible article in the RAAF Newspaper

As mentioned on each of these updates, the goal is still to get the word out there. So if you want to help me in that regard, feel free to SHARE my blog on your own Socials so I can reach as many people as possible with my Mental Health Awareness message.

Blog: Subscribe for updates at https://walkingwithstrangers.net
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/451549726809456
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/wws4mh
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WalkingwithStr1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/walkingwithstrangerscamino/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVA0xQO2-qHXarlvFQ_JE0A
Fundraising for Mental Health Awareness: https://www.teamblackdog.org.au/fundraisers/walkingwithstrangers/

#walkingwithstrangers #camino #donate #blackdoginstitute #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth

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