‘Twas the Day Before Camino…

As mentioned in my last post, the “travel” day was totes heccas. Here’s a quick summary:

  • The Uber to the train station was smooth enough albeit frustratingly slow and he drove the longest way possible.
  • I caught my train with a few minutes to spare only to receive a call (left message) during the journey to say the flight was now boarding 1hr 10min earlier than previously advised. So now I was already an hour late.
  • I had already checked in online but still had to queue to check-in my sacrificial suitcase containing my pack, poles and a pocket knife.
  • Immigration = huge queue. Tick, tick, tick. Nuff said.
  • Security check… Of course I was the random person requiring a full emptying of carry on as well as having to put my boots through. (See pic of my selfie stick set-up. Ha ha)
Can’t imagine why this shape got pulled up going through the airport scanner. It’s my selfie stick and phone bracket.
  • Raced to my gate 45min after boarding time and was ushered straight on. Phew, made it but no time for food or coffee or toilet etc
  • Flight to Abu Dhabi and went straight to gate. Waited awhile. Mass exodus of a SE Asian tour group – I don’t know why. Then started hearing murmurings of a gate change. Sure enough… off I trot some 20 gates away.
  • Flight to Paris. Through immigration again, grabbed checked luggage and then off to figure out where the TVG train station was (had to use free Airport wifi)
  • Train to Bayonne with a tight changeover midway. Basically exited one train and had minutes to step onto the connector.
  • Train… Bayonne to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port… getting exciting now ’cause we’d essentially shaken most of the locals loose and this train was full of wide-eyed, backpack toting, and like-minded fellow pilgrims.
  • Beautiful scenery surrounded by towering mountains reminding us all of the day ahead walking over the Pyrenees Mountain Range. I would be lying if I didn’t have that “what am I doing here moment” albeit with a huge grin on my dial.
  • Hiked into town without the aid of the internet, ditching the sacrificial suitcase in a bin on the way and found my way to the Pilgrim’s Office.
  • By this time it was about 7:30pm and the office wasn’t going to open for another 30min and then only for 30min. I waited.
  • Got in. Got my stamp and headed off to find my alburgue (in the wrong direction – it was dark and I had no internet/gps).
  • Turned around after about 10min walked back the way I came. Found my albergue where they were on the verge of giving my bed away ’cause town was full with an influx of Spaniards and beds were scarce.
  • All shops shut so no water bottles for me 🙁
  • Limited meal options at this time short of dining in a restaurant so I ordered a takeaway savoury crepe and headed back to the albeqrgue.
  • Quick Shower ’cause there was a curfew, put gear on charge and went to bed pretty much.


  1. So good to hear you’re finally there in SJPdP Thinking of you and wishing you safe travels on the Camino way

    1. Yes I’m running a little behind on updates while I find my groove between walking, eating, backing up photos and footage, charging stuff, and sleeping. I have a rest day after tomorrow’s walk and hope to catch up the past week then. xxx ooo

  2. your description of the train ride and then the photos of St Jean Pierre de Porte – we were there in 2013 – so many memories.


    1. Well I can only imagine the flashbacks you’re going have when I finally get the 800km of GoPro (Timewarp) vid up on YouTube.

  3. Great to hear your finally their. Love the photos, keep ‘em coming when u can.
    Stay safe Mr K
    Love The Wallace’s xxxx

  4. We must have crossed paths in Paris, we’ve just come back from France. We walked some sections of the French Camino near Figeac in Le Lot area. Met some Aussies doing the same. Beautiful. Keep your feet healthy and have fun walking!

    1. Hey Pascale, there are a few of us over here at the moment I think. I’ve met four myself so far. Today was a rest day so the feet are ready to rock and roll!

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