How time flies when you have other commitments and life gets in the way. My last “real” walk (I mean most of us walk everyday to get from A to B) was almost a month ago, and so I thought I better get back to piling on some Pre-Camino kilometers.
Since that last walk though, I found a youtube video I liked on how to rig up my water bottles (Cheap DIY Backpack Water Bottle Holder) and bought three of these S-Biners to hang stuff from my pack. So today was a great day to try that setup out.
And with another 6pm engagement on base and a 2:37pm step-off time I only managed to squeeze in a measly 22km.
Anyway, long story short, new hydration setup worked a treat, walk was a struggle the last 5km (need to train more regularly), sore shoulders from my pack (ditto on the training), almost blisters on the feet (but not quite), and sore toenails to boot (from the boots – it’s a thing).
All in all – a good day out.
Distance walked today: 22km
Weight of Pack and Contents: 10.4kg
Surface: Asphalt
Weather: Overcast but Dry.
Total Distance Walked for Training thus far: 274km