Smart WiFi Waterproof Camera Controller

Thinking through the logistics of recording 222+ hrs of TimeWarp video footage AND based on my recent trial with the GoPro mounted on my chest, I felt having a remote controller would also be an invaluable, light-weight gadget to take with me.

You see, upon reviewing the footage after I’d returned home from that trial, I found that at one stage I had inadvertently changed the GoPro out of TimeWarp mode and into normal mode for a couple of hours, which wasn’t the effect I was going for. All due to the fact that while the GoPro is strapped to my chest, I can’t easily view it’s screen without moving it and, consequently upsetting or possibly changing the viewing angle of the camera.

So hopefully by having a remote control for the GoPro I will be able to easily check what mode the device is in without moving the camera AND easily change the mode or pause the camera if I need to. As an added bonus I will also be able to check the GoPro’s battery level at anytime too.

Let’s just hope this cheaper, 3rd-party brand does the job as well as the GoPro branded remote at almost a third the price. Only time and trialling will tell.

Product Name: TELESIN T10 Remote Control for GoPro Hero 10… Smart WiFi Waterproof Camera Controller


Supplier: Amazon

Cost (AUD): $44.99

Weight: 100g

Carried: On Person

Total Pack Weight to Date: 5.659kg

Total On Person Weight to Date: 2.492kg

Total Cost to Date (AUD): $3397.47


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