Just squeezed in a single lap today as part of my regular work PT so I wasn’t really prepared with all my usual Camino gear. I also didn’t have my Suunto watch hence the reason for no pretty map and stats above. Given that it was a spare of the moment walk, I wore my regular PT gear and loaded my daily backpack up with whatever I could find to at least give myself some sort of challenge.
Other than the data below, all I can tell you is that it took 1hr 15min to complete the 8km loop. I guess that’s always gonna be the outcome when you’re busy flapping your gums to fellow workmates during the walk. Ha ha. Oh well, I banked another 8km all the same.
Distance walked today: 8km
Weight of Pack and Contents: 5.7kg
Surface: Asphalt
Weather: Dry
Total Distance Walked for Training thus far: 32km