So by this stage I’ve received my new hiking boots, my backpack, and my hiking pants and it’s time to put them (and myself) to the test.
I’m fortunate enough to have access to an 8km loop of relatively flat asphalt walking track and, with a runway at its centre, it prevents me from cutting my training short if it gets a little too uncomfortable. This is actually ideal as I firmly believe to successfully walk the Camino-Frances it will take both physical and mental toughness. So I actually don’t mind when I’m feeling uncomfortable because I consider that all part of the training.
I don’t have all my gear yet but I have a list of what I believe I’ll be taking and how much it all weighs. This means I can still simulate the load by jamming my backpack full of random stuff to compensate.
Anyway, you can see the stats above and I think I maintained a pretty fast pace for almost four hours. Although I have yet to purchase my Long Merino Boxer briefs, my inner and outer socks, or my proper hiking shirts, I substituted those items with what I did have and fortunately sustained no chaffing injuries or blisters.
I did start cramping up at about the 13-14km mark though and the last 10km felt like Hell on Earth.
All in all though, considering the longest walk I’d been on in recent years would’ve been about 7-8km, it was an encouraging outcome.
Distance walked today: 24km
Weight of Pack and Contents: 6.7kg
Surface: Asphalt
Weather: Dry
Total Distance Walked for Training thus far: 24km