Lightweight Rain Jacket

If my last 24km training walk highlighted anything to me it was that I needed to invest in a new, lightweight rain jacket. Not only because my old Gore-Tex jacket was bought more for a European winter and weighed a metric tonne but the inside seam tape was starting to fall off and it was failing to keep both the rain and wind completely out.

That’s not something I wanted to deal with as I’m walking the French Way especially when the months I’ll be travelling (Oct/Nov) are ranked #2 and #3 highest average rainfall months in the year for the Camino.

A bit of research ensued and the next thing you know I’d settled on the North Face Venture 2.

What I dig about this jacket is that it can fold into its own pocket and compress to a reasonably small size compared with my old Gore-Tex jacket. Also, it only weighs 300g compared to the 900g of my Gore-Tex. Probably more importantly, although I haven’t had the chance to really test it out yet, I expect it will keep me dry and reduce my exposure to the wind.

I did manage to purchase it On Sale, no doubt due to the limited sizes available at the time and the lairy bright orange colour it has. Personally, if I’m to be hiking along a roadside in the rain I welcome the visibility that comes with an orange jacket.

Product Name: The North Face Venture 2 Mens Waterproof Jacket – Red Orange/Burnt Ochre

Brand: The North Face

Supplier: Wild Earth

Cost (AUD): $131.67

Weight: 300g

Carried: In Pack

Total Pack Weight to Date: 3.065kg

Total On Person Weight to Date: 1.204kg

Total Cost to Date (AUD): $1637.34


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