The main features I sought in my undies were a 15cm inseam to help negate inner thigh chaffing, a fast drying, breathable wicking material, and a lightweight material. All qualities that seemed to be present in the Icebreakers that hit my mailbox today.
As an aside, I know it sounds like I’m a gear gram-counter, and in all honesty I am for this trip, but when you’re carrying all these extra grams on your back for 800kms they can all add up to make a noticable difference. As an example, the equivalent Merino jocks I previously had at my disposal weighed 220g a pair (I think they must have been bulletproof). These new Icebreakers are only 82g each. So for three pairs of undies that’s a total difference of 414g!! Nearly half a kilo extra weight in your pack for undies alone.
Now don’t get me wrong, the 220g jobbies ticked every other box except the weight box, and at nearly $60 for a pair of these Icebreakers I’m certainly going to trial these before I buy the remaining two pairs.
I’ll trial them on my next walk.
Product Name: Icebreaker Merino Anatomica Long Mens Boxers – Black
Brand: Icebreaker
Supplier: Wild Earth
Cost (AUD): $56.95
Weight: 82g
Carried: On Person
Total Pack Weight to Date: 3.065kg
Total On Person Weight to Date: 1.286kg
Total Cost to Date (AUD): $1694.29

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