Merino Gloves

Trekking the Camino in October/November is sort of the inbetweeny time for temperature and rainfall. It’s no longer super hot and is even starting to cool down with some mornings being quite cool. Rainfall is also reaching its peak levels across the calendar year.

Still, the temperature shouldn’t drop any lower than 7 – 10 degrees Celsius with highs of 14-18 degrees Celsius. So it won’t be freezing cold and any thoughts of re-using my thick, bulky Thinsulate gloves from many years ago are once again dashed as that kit is probably not fit for purpose this time around.

So welcome to the Camino Gear family my new lightweight merino gloves. Thin enough to provide some sort of comfort on a “colder” morning and just enough protection to deter blisters while also being flexible enough to not restrict digit dexterity.

Product Name: Sherpa Merino Gloves Black

Brand: Sherpa

Supplier: Snowys

Cost (AUD): $24.90

Weight: 40g

Carried: In Pack

Total Pack Weight to Date: 3.741kg

Total On Person Weight to Date: 1.286kg

Total Cost to Date (AUD): $2188.49


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