When it comes to footwear and foot coverings there are many opinions out there. All trying to increase comfort while avoiding injuries. In the end I just try stuff and go with what works for me.
And what that looks like exactly is wearing two sets of socks. A thinner pair of liner socks and a thicker pair of outer socks. In this way the friction, movement and rubbing should be between the two sock layers and not between sock and skin.
Also, sweaty feet = moisture = blisters so having non-cotton, moisture wicking socks is an important factor.
So with that in mind, I ordered three pairs of the above pictured Smartwool lightweight liner socks. The socks I received from this supplier though are Smartwool zero-cushion liners (the second image below). I don’t know for sure if this is going to make a difference but only time will tell I guess.
And for those wondering why I’m buying three pairs when I’m only buying two shirts and two pants… It’s because sometimes a change into fresh socks halfway through the day is just what you need to get to the finish line.
Product Name: Smartwool Hike Lightweight Liner Crew Unisex Socks
Brand: Smartwool
Supplier: Wildfire Sports & Trek
Cost (AUD): $57.35 ($19.12 ea pair)
Weight: 150g (50g ea pair)
Carried: 1 pair On Person / 2 pair In Pack
Total Pack Weight to Date: 3.841kg
Total On Person Weight to Date: 1.336kg
Total Cost to Date (AUD): $2245.84

Link: https://www.wildfiresports.com.au/smartwool-hike-lightweight-liner-crew-unisex-socks/