Today was a real struggle for me. It took me just over four hrs to complete my 24km route, and for at least the last 10km of that, my hips and feet were screaming at me.
My pack was loaded with all my new goodies and I was wearing a pair of my new inner liner socks. The final pack weight wasn’t anything unusual tipping the scales at 9.2kg but what was different was my start time.
More specifically, I kicked off at 11:43am today which meant I was walking in the heat of the midday sun for most of that four hours. And of course I haven’t yet progressed to wearing my hat when on base so I’m sure that didn’t help either.
Anyway, I actually welcome days like this because it offers me up an opportunity to experience hardship and pain in a “safe” environment and tests my mental mettle so to speak.
Just like on the Camino there will be days when you just don’t feel like getting up and walking 20-30km but you just have to push on through. Similarly, the environments might change from day to day and you just have to suck it up, adapt and get the job done.
I truly believe breaking through the pain barrier is down to mental strength and days like just prove to me that I can conquer and overcome. Oh, and also to wear a hat when it’s sunny out. Ha ha.
Distance walked today: 24km
Weight of Pack and Contents: 9.2kg
Surface: Asphalt
Weather: Dry
Total Distance Walked for Training thus far: 112km

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