RAAF Base Richmond Loop (16km) – Mon

Firstly I have to say, I hit the 300km training milestone today. Yay me.

I also had the brilliant idea that this week I will see how the ol’ body reacts to having to walk at least 16km a day for 6 or 7 consecutive days.

If you’ve been following along, up until now I’ve trained perhaps a couple of times a week, but usually with some rest days in between. Of course, the Camino is going to be Walk – Eat – Sleep – Repeat x 31 – one day after the other with perhaps a sprinkling of rest days thrown in as needed.

So based around when I finish work, and the short Winter days we’re currently experiencing here in Sydney, Australia, the plan this week is:

  • Monday – 16km
  • Tuesday – 16km
  • Wednesday – 16km
  • Thursday – 16km
  • Friday – 24km
  • Saturday – 30+ km (it’s about time I eclipsed the 24km mark)
  • Sunday – Let’s just see how the body’s holding up. Lol.

In total, 118+ kms, finishing the week with approximately 425km total Pre-Camino walking kms under my belt.

Distance walked today: 16km

Weight of Pack and Contents: 11.0kg

Surface: Asphalt

Weather: Overcast but dry

Total Distance Walked for Training thus far: 306km

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