USB A, mini-A, B, mini-B, micro-B, C, Lightning – with every new device we buy we seem to get a new connector type with supposedly faster speed throughput. And with each new connector type we of course need a new cable. And maybe that cable needs to go from USB A to micro-B (like my bluetooth earbud charger) or perhaps USB A/C to C for my phone.
I don’t know about you but I’m sick of travelling with three different cables just so I can charge my essential devices when on the go. And so for under $15 I thought I’d do something about it.
Welcome to my pack 6-in-1 USB charging cable. I think we’re gonna be friends.
Product Name: 6-in-1 Multi Ports Fast Charging Cable,……3.3 Feet Long Nylon Braided Black
Brand: Basecn
Supplier: Amazon
Cost (AUD): $14.90
Weight: 36g
Carried: In Pack
Total Pack Weight to Date: 5.419kg
Total On Person Weight to Date: 2.359kg
Total Cost to Date (AUD): $3169.60
