I stumbled across this awesome little gadget just reading good reviews from other world travellers. I already have a good carabiner to secure things to my pack but you can never have too many I reckon.
What sets this bit of gear apart from the average carabiner though, is it’s versatility and in particular the incorporation of a hanging hook. The Heroclip comes in various sizes but I purchased the Medium model which supports up to 27kg. More than enough to support my entire pack if needed.
I’m sure anyone who has ever travelled and had to get changed or shower somewhere perhaps not up to their usual hygienic standards can appreciate the ability to hang your bag on the back of the bathroom door and keep it off the floor. And by day, it’s just another carabiner I can use on my pack. Winning!
Product Name: HEROCLIP Multipurpose Clip, Medium,Black
Brand: Heroclip
Supplier: Amazon
Cost (AUD): $34.95
Weight: 59g
Carried: In Pack
Total Pack Weight to Date: 5.380kg
Total On Person Weight to Date: 2.356kg
Total Cost to Date (AUD): $3088.10

Link: https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B073PJKNVW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1/