Well I finally purchased my two trekking shirts. To be perfectly honest I wanted to purchase the “Icebreaker Men’s Cool-Lite™ Merino Amplify Long Sleeve Half Zip Top” but I couldn’t source it anywhere. Even Icebreaker’s website has a “404 Page Not Found” error for that product. So my next best pick was the “Icebreaker Bodyfitzone Merino 260 Zone Ls Half Zip Mens Thermal Top”.
It’s a mid-weight material at 260gsm as opposed to the lighter 130gsm material of the Amplify. Consequently, it’s a little heavier weight-wise as well. It will also be warmer than I originally wanted which might work out better anyway given the dropping temperatures around Oct/Nov.
I chose the long sleeve option, and the half zip gives me some flexibility for heat regulation.
Colour-wise it’s pretty lairy if I say so myself. In fact, if I’d only bought red hiking pants I could’ve been the Camino Papa Smurf. My only other alternative was the black version which was a bit easier on the eyes, but I didn’t think it justified a price difference of over $50 per shirt.
I’ll be trialling one of these shirts on my next 24km walk. Time will tell if they’re gonna cut the mustard.
Product Name: Icebreaker Bodyfitzone Merino 260 Zone Ls Half Zip Mens Thermal Top – Polar/Midnight Navy
Brand: Icebreaker
Supplier: Wild Earth
Cost (AUD): $221.56 ($110.78 ea)
Weight: 592g (296g ea)
Carried: 1 On Person / 1 In Pack
Total Pack Weight to Date: 4.825kg
Total On Person Weight to Date: 2.207kg
Total Cost to Date (AUD): $2704.93

Link: https://www.wildearth.com.au/buy/icebreaker-mens-260-zone-ls-half-zip-polar-m/104361B41M/
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