I mentioned in this post that I was concerned about whether my mid-weight outer socks were thick enough to fill my one-size-larger hiking boots. Well instead of shelling out a good $120 on three pairs of Heavyweights I thought I’d just dip my blister-free toes into one pair of these before committing.
I’ve yet to trial them on a walk yet but providing they fit fine (and aren’t too hot), I reckon I might just take a combo of both sock weights. I’m still intending to take a total of three pairs but it might be two pairs of mid-weight and one pair of heavies (or the other way around).
This should give me more flexibility to adapt to the conditions (of both the walking surface and my feet). If the stage I’m walking is mostly a hard surface such as asphalt I can don the heavies for more comfort and support. If my feet are particularly swollen I will have the option to wear the mid-weights to relieve the pressure in my boots somewhat.
Anyway, sounds logical in my head. Ha ha. I won’t know for sure until I hit the Camino.
Product Name: Bridgedale Expedition Heavyweight Merino Comfort Men Socks – Navy
Brand: Bridgedale
Supplier: Wild Earth
Cost (AUD): $37.80
Weight: 115g
Carried: 1 pair On Person (or in Pack)
Total Pack Weight to Date: 5.283kg
Total On Person Weight to Date: 2.356kg (only added weight difference of 28g from replaced pair of mid-weight socks)
Total Cost to Date (AUD): $2999.77

Link: https://www.wildearth.com.au/buy/bridgedale-expedition-hw-comfort-navy-md/F713-5067-445-MD/