Well I’m still unsure whether I’ll be taking these with me but if you read my last Training post you’ll know why I at least want to entertain the idea.
It could also just be a subconsious reaction to the fact we’ve just had our 4th major flood in Sydney in the last 2 years. Noting that I’ve only been affected by road-closures and the inability to get into work, and hiking trail closures and the limited long walks I can train on.
Anyway whatever the reason, these are some-hella sexy pants. A simply delicious cut that really accentuates the rear zip pocket ’cause let’s face it, it’s really hard to distiguish the front from the back all barring that feature.
They do have a couple of handy additional features too though. Namely, the leg bottoms have some nice big zips so I don’t have to remove my hiking boots to pull ’em on and, they conveniently pack away into that aforementioned rear pocket.
Additionally, I initially thought these puppies were broken ’cause after putting my paws in the side pockets I unexpectedly felt leg. But then I realised that was actually in the design, so I could access the pockets of my Salomon Hiking pants instead. Phew, I don’t have to take them back after all.
One last mention on this purchase… I had a really weird conversation with the Anaconda salesperson when I was at the check-out. What I was hearing was a suggestion to wear these UNDER my hiking pants. And after a bit of back and forth I was still really confused and just thought “Oakey Dokey, I’m outta here”.
Product Name: Rainbird Adults’ Unisex Stowaway 2 Pants Navy
Brand: Rainbird
Supplier: Anaconda
Cost (AUD): $79.99
Weight: 230g
Carried: In Pack
Total Pack Weight to Date: 6.148kg
Total On Person Weight to Date: 2.583kg
Total Cost to Date (AUD): $3609.22

Tags: #camino #caminogear #walkingwithstrangers #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #donate #blackdoginstitute