Nothing out of the ordinary going on here other than the opportunity to try out the most expensive underpants I’ve ever owned and my 2nd pair of Hiking Pants I received yesterday.
I had no chaffing from the new undies and I found them comfortable. It was only an 8km walk though so the real test will be my next 24km walk. The quality of the hiking pants is high and also did not disappoint (well done Salomon).
The only thing of note this time around is that I forgot to stop my Suunto watch at the end of the walk so the total time was actually 1hr 15min over a distance of 8km not as can be seen in the above stats.
Distance walked today: 8km
Weight of Pack and Contents: 7.4kg
Surface: Asphalt
Weather: Overcast / Rained for 500m
Total Distance Walked for Training thus far: 64km