So I’d been thinking about walking the Camino-Frances for at least the last six years. COVID delayed the opportunity to travel internationally but the gates are finally open again. So what to buy first now that I’ve decided to pull the trigger on this big adventure?
Well as it turns out the cheapest and fastest item I could buy to temper my excitement was a mobile phone app all about the Camino-Frances route. Research baby!!
Is it a good app or a bad app? Who cares at this stage – it only cost me $1.59 and I now have more information about the Camino-Frances Way than I did 10 secs ago.
Product Name: Camino Francés : Wise Pilgrim
Brand: Wise Pilgrim Guides
Supplier: Google Play
Cost (AUD): $1.59
Weight: 0g
Carried: On person
Total Pack Weight to Date: 0g
Total On Person Weight to Date: 0g
Total Cost to Date (AUD): $1.59
