I’m still not quite sure how I want to record this epic experience but with pack weight a big consideration on this trip I know I wasn’t overly keen on lugging around a Digital SLR and all the trimmings that go with that option.
So at this stage I’ve ordered a GoPro Hero 10 due to it’s small size, light weight and awesome 5.3K resolution possibilities. I’m thinking I can utilise this for both photographs and video.
Anyway, while I’m waiting for the camera to arrive I thought I’d grab myself a third-party GoPro accessories kit.
Of course, for this trip I don’t need most of these accessories so I’m thinking of just taking the chest, head and wrist thingys, along with a few of the connectors. The weight below reflects these items only.
N.B. These items will most likely be the first to leave behind if my total pack weight needs a little “culling” in the future.
Product Name: Artman Action Camera Accessories Kit 58-in-1 for GoPro Hero 9
Brand: A Artman
Supplier: Amazon
Cost (AUD): $36.99
Weight: 370g
Carried: In Pack / On Person
Total Pack Weight to Date: 270g
Total On Person Weight to Date: 100g
Total Cost to Date (AUD): $38.58

Link: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07VMF8KK7?ref_=pe_19115062_429603572_302_E_DDE_dt_1/