What do you do when you want to hang BIGGER stuff from your pack?
I recently asked myself a similar question and ended up buying three light-weight aluminium S-Biners.
Those S-Biner’s are great for hanging smaller items from my pack and I will certainly put all three to good use on the trail, but they’re just a little too small to hang larger items.
Specifically I’m thinking of my trekking sandals that currently take up a good deal of physical space in my pack. Additionally, if at any stage I need to dry or air them out as I walk, I will certainly want to hang them from my pack’s exterior.
These two Black Diamond medium-sized carabiners not only appear to be of a solid, quality build but have a screwgate to ensure a secure hold. I think they do nicely.
Product Name: Black Diamond LiteForge Screwgate Carabiner – Black
Brand: Black Diamond
Supplier: Wild Earth
Cost (AUD): $29.98 ($14.99 ea)
Weight: 90g (45g ea)
Carried: On Pack
Total Pack Weight to Date: 5.803kg
Total On Person Weight to Date: 2.492kg
Total Cost to Date (AUD): $3455.92

Link: https://www.wildearth.com.au/buy/black-diamond-liteforge-screwgate-carabiner-black/BD2102480002ALL1
Tags: #camino #caminogear #walkingwithstrangers #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #donate #blackdoginstitute