Sometimes you just need to get ya step count up and today was one of those days. And the most easily accessible place to get steppin’ was, you guessed it, the RAAF Base. It was pouring rain so the wet gear was gonna get a workout today too.
And although I could only squeeze in a cheeky 16km before darkness was upon me, it did indeed rain the entire 2.5 hrs. But silver-linings people, silver linings…
- It wasn’t hot and there was no chance of getting sunburnt
- It wasn’t crowded – I had the track to myself
- My Salomon Wayfarer Hiking pants were half-washed by the time I got home
- I had a good 2.5hr session training for the Spanish rainy season and,
- I’ve now chalked up 290km in Pre-Camino walking
So what did I learn today?
I learnt that my hiking pants are in no way, shape, or form, waterproof. I may have to investigate some rainwear pants ’cause the last time I had pants that hugged my legs that tightly it was the 80’s and they were made of PVC. Shhh. Of course, as usual, it will depend on their physical footprint in my pack and their weight on my back.
I also learnt that no amount of Gor-Texiness will stop the water getting into my boots after walking in constant rain or stomping in deep puddles. In fact, about 1.5hrs into the walk I found my socks were sodden and my feet were just squelching to the beat of my stride. If I find myself walking in rain on the Camino, I’ll be sure to stop and change into nice warm, dry socks when I feel the blister danger needle is about to redline.
Can’t wait to smash my next 10km and hit the 300km milestone. ‘Til then…
Distance walked today: 16km
Weight of Pack and Contents: 11.4kg
Surface: Asphalt
Weather: Raining
Total Distance Walked for Training thus far: 290km

I am in awe of the 16km. Last walk I did was 2.5!
At least you’re out walking so good for you.
The hardest part for me is finding somewhere long enough and interesting enough to practise a 20km walk… I mean, I could theoretically just walk the length of my street 60 times and get my 20km on the books but how uninteresting would that be?
Once you have a destination, it’s just one foot in front of the other until you get there!! Easy.