It never ceases to amaze me how consistent my walking pace seems to be. Over a distance of 24km I came within three seconds of my previous time even though today was a real struggle after the 16km mark.
I didn’t get away until about 2:20pm and had another engagement on base at 6pm so I was cognisant that I really had to motor to get to that on time.
The struggle I feel was due to me not eating anything all day except for my morning coffee. And if I compare that to last week’s effort where I had a steak sandwich and a beer under my belt, I can clearly travel that distance in the same time but having some food in my belly makes the effort decidedly less painful. I think there’s a lesson in there somewhere. More beer?
Anyway, aside from another 24km under my slowly shrinking belt, I did get to trial those new Heavyweight Outer Hiking Socks. I definately found they filled my oversized boot better and felt more comfortable to boot. So I’ll probably buy one more pair of these and my final pack will consist of two pairs of heavy, one pair of Mid-Weight.
Distance walked today: 24km
Weight of Pack and Contents: 10.6kg
Surface: Asphalt
Weather: Overcast but Dry.
Total Distance Walked for Training thus far: 224km